Vendors - Addresses Tab

This tab is used to manage vendor addresses, including the Order Address and Remit Address.

Order Address

  • Enter the county code in the County Code field.
  • Enter a name in the Attn to field. This is optional.

  • Select the country from the Country drop-down list.
  • Enter the Address, City, State, and Zip in their respective fields. Address fields will be adjusted accordingly for the country selected.
  • Enter the email address in the Email field.
  • Enter the phone number in the Phone field.
  • Enter the fax number in the Fax field.

Remit Address

  • Click the Same as Order Address link if the Remit Address is the same as the Order Address.
    • If they are not the same, enter the Address, City, State, and Zip in their respective fields.
  • Click the save changes button.


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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021